Saturday at 8:30am - Virtual Torah Study
Larry Westreich will lead our Torah Study this week.
Torah Portion
Join Here
TNT Community-Wide Mishloach Manot is Here!
Deadline for Purim Greetings is Wednesday, February 21st
Purim Baskets and Greetings at Ner Tamid
It is our custom at Temple Ner Tamid to give Purim baskets to everyone in our community
• TNT members • Shoresh families • TNT Religious School Staff • Shoresh staff.
For a small donation, you can show your gratitude to
anyone or everyone in our community by including your Purim greeting.
Each family will receive a basket along with a list
of all the people who include Purim greetings to them.
Imagine how much each one in our community would appreciate receiving your greeting.
This fundraiser is handled through Happy Purim –
Shortly you will receive an email from TNT with instructions to include your greeting.
If you have not received this email by Tuesday, February 11th,
please contact the TNT Planning Committee at
or call the temple office at 973-338-1500.
The deadline for orders is Wednesday, February 21st
You can tailor who you send greetings to by selecting any of these options:
• TNT Staff • RS Staff • Shoresh Staff • Shoresh Families •RS Families • all adult-only families.
In addition, a donation will be made to
the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles Wildfire Crisis Relief
for each family that participates in this year's fundraiser.
Check the card in your basket for details.
Help pack over 800 baskets on Sunday, February 23rd at 2 pm.
Check this option in your Happy Purim order or email
Thank you for participating!
Friday, February 21 at 6:30pm - Inclusion Shabbat
Join us once again for our annual Inclusion Shabbat,
where our friends from the JSDD (Jewish Services for the Developmentally Disabled)
come and spend the evening with us in prayer and in community.
The walls of our Temple will be covered in art created by residents from the JSDD,
and we will learn about the process of creating from some of the artists that evening.
Services will be followed by an art walk and oneg.
Sunday, Feb 23rd @ 4-5PM: Always a Sibling Book Talk
After her brother was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan, Annie Sklaver Orenstein
was heartbroken and unmoored.
Standing in the grief section of her local bookstore,
she searched for guides on how to work through her grief as a mourning sibling—and found nothing.
More than 4 million American adults each year will lose a sibling, yet there isn't a modern resource guide available that speaks directly to this type of grief that at times can be overshadowed by grieving parents and spouses and made even more difficult by the complexities of sibling dynamics.
In ALWAYS A SIBLING: The Forgotten Mourner's Guide to Grief Annie uses her own story
and those of others to create the emphatic, thoughtful, practical resource that she sought.
Join Annie Orenstein who will be in conversation
with TNT member and psychotherapist Stephanie Roth Goldberg
LCSW about her book and ways to process and cope
with sibling loss, both recent and long past.
Get in the spirit of Purim!
Come in costume, a silly hat, a fun mask!
Purim Song Session and Costume Parade
in the Sanctuary for all Children and Parents
10:30am-1:00pm Carnival
A fun time for ages Birth-12! Activities will include:
•. Special Game Room for Children under 7
• Professional Face Painting
• Tons of Big Kid Games including Basketball, Hungry Hippo, Football Toss, Krazy Kans, and More!
•. Inflatable Obstacle Course for kids 3rd grade+
•. Small Bounce House for kids up to 2nd Grade
•. Win tickets to redeem for Prize Bags!
•. 50/50 Raffle
•. Costume Drive to support CASA of Essex County
•. Food for Purchase - Check back soon to order ahead!
Welcome to Shushan High! Where Danny - we mean King Achasuerus - rules the school til new girl, Esther wins him over.
Will evil Coach Haman get his way to crush the Jewish team? Will Esther save them in time?
All the high school angst will be on display in TNT's Spiel this year
with parodies of the tunes we all love from the musical Grease.
Come join the Purim Rally on Saturday, March 15th at 7:00 pm!
Join Temple Ner Tamid
for the 3rd Annual Pilgrimage to Tbilisi June 23-July 1, 2025!
Bishop Malkhaz, Keti and Misha, and the dor l'dor community can’t wait to host you there!!
This is your opportunity to experience the extraordinary Peace Project,
depicted in the recently aired documentary, "We Will Build This House From Love."
Immerse in the breathtaking landscapes of Georgia. Learn to toast the Georgian way.
Taste classic Georgian cuisine. Delve into the country’s 2600-year-old Jewish history as we form bonds with the leaders of L’Dor v’Dor, the fledgling liberal Jewish community
at the Peace Project: a church, synagogue, mosque, and interfaith space under one roof.
Visionary founder Bishop Malkhaz Songulashivili will accompany our group,
led by Rabbi Golan Ben-Chorin and Susan Shapiro from Finding North.
We will stay at the Ibis Styles, a 3-star hotel in the heart of Tbilisi's Old City.
Ready to register? Just fill out this form.
Looking for more information? You can find it here .
Have questions? contact Johanna Ginsberg, Finding North program director, at or 973-650-2784; or reach out to Susan Shapiro, Finding North program coordinator, at or 415-308-7032.
Join our informal all-level (but mostly beginner) Mah Jong group!
Meeting weekly on Mondays 2:00-4:00
(no commitment; you don't have to come every week)
Bring: your Mah Jong set & a folding card table
Prep: after you RSVP, we'll send a link to purchase an official Mah Jong card
Prep: we'll also send a link to an intro video and some apps to get you started
Note: we welcome advanced players to help guide and teach our beginners
Note: even if you're not able to join us, we'd still love to borrow your Mah Jong set!
Become a Part of the TNT Hiking Group
Start 5785 by getting back to nature.
The Wandering Jews will explore local trails within driving distance.
Dates and times TBD.
Contact Sarah Larson to be added to the list
Do you do a handicraft?
Get together with your fellow TNTers for 2 hours of crafting.
Bring your knitting, needlepoint, embroidery, crochet,
lace-making, cross-stitch, or whatever handicraft
you are working on and join us for schmoozing,
learning from each other and community.
We meet once a month on a Sunday afternoon
at a congregant’s home.
Click here to Contact Beni Fishbein for further information
Did you know that Ner Tamid has an Adult (70+) Group?
Our very active 70 plus community meets twice monthly on Tuesdays
from 10:45am-1:15am for stimulating conversations, guest speakers,
cultural programing, holiday celebrations,
Qi Gong exercise and much more.
The group is open to Temple Ner Tamid members and parents and friends of members.
If you or anyone you know is interested in meeting new people in an inviting atmosphere,
come give us a try!
The group is sponsored by Temple Ner Tamid and the JCC Metrowest.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 18th
with entertainment by soul & jazz vocalist Rhonda Denet
10:45 - 11:15 Qi Gong with Stan Keyles (optional)
11:15-11:45 - Current Events Discussion
11:14-12:15 - Lunch (bring your own DAIRY lunch, coffee and cake provided)
Nurse Karen Frank will be available for office hours and blood pressure screenings.
12:15-1:15 Program: Soul & Jazz Vocalist Rhonda Denet performs
For further information, please contact Dianna Chipkin
at 973-202 2497 or
“Beginner” Tai Chi class... 6-7pm
Newbies always welcome!
Continuing Tai Chi Classes... 7-8pm
Thursdays @ Ner Tamid
Tai Chi is an ancient art…movement…exercise…meditation and fun way
to enhance health and improve balance and mobility.
The instructors Irene Sherman, Ray Wolfson and assistant instructor, Linda Gross
have had extensive training and practice in these arts.
After learning the set, the opportunity to refine the practice and reap the benefits this art
provides continues on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm. Classes are fun and nonjudgmental.
As with other practices, Tai Chi does take time and effort to learn
and the benefits are worth the investment.
Interested in more information?
Click here to contact the instructors.
For the past 3 and 1/2 years the sessions have taken place virtually on Thursdays at 1PM
with more than 110 Jewish short stories discussed.
All sessions are free and there is no registration required.
The schedule for virtual (ZOOM) Thursday sessions will be once a month
on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Here is the schedule:
February 13 • March 13 • April 10 • May 8
To download the next story that we will be reading, CLICK THIS LINK.
To join the ZOOM meeting on the day of the discussion:
We hope you will join us!
We think the discussions have been enlightening, thought provoking
and always bring a new appreciation of the art of story-telling.
There is no charge and no registration is needed. All are welcome.
Questions? Contact Norm Pollack at
Wellness Offerings
Karen Frank, TNT’s Congregational Nurse, has a variety of offerings to the community, all of them having to do with enhancing wellness. Her practice integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
She works with individuals, families, and groups.
Karen leads two groups at TNT: BOTH BEGINNING IN OCTOBER
- Grandparents’ Group, which meets on the third Tuesday of the month on Zoom at 5:00pm. Topics have been grand-parenting at a distance, when values clash,
the blended family, and grandchildren with special needs.
You can join the meeting here. - Caregiving Aging Parents, which focuses on providing care whether local or long-distance.
They meet monthly, the first Tuesday of the month on Zoom at 7:30pm.
Topics include dealing with parent’s physical or mental health,
when to consider a move and what are the options, how to find help,
and assisting the parent with dementia.
You can join the meeting here.
Our numbers are small but many have indicated it is important to them to continue.
Please feel free to invite people to join us.
I am considering beginning a new group - Taking Care of our Spouses if there is sufficient interest.
Please tell me if you will be continuing with us or if you want to be removed from the list.
Karen is also available for individual consults on health, caregiving, and coping. Call her at 862-485-9062 or email to to make arrangements for a home or synagogue visit or a call.
Monthly Study with Student Rabbi James Feder
Come to one, come to all! No registration necessary.
Depth Calls Out To Depth:
The Deep Humanity of
For thousands of years, people have turned to the Psalms in moments of joy and despair, anger and hope. When our own words fail, the poetry of the Psalms can give voice to all that we are feeling.
Join Student Rabbi James Feder for this monthly study.
Classes will meet on Sundays, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Feb 23 (special time 12:15pm) • Mar 23 • Apr 27
Welcoming the stranger, or immigrant,
is a core part of Jewish tradition.
It is also a core part of the American tradition,
personified by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.
And part of our TNT tradition where we worked for immigrant driver's licenses in NJ.
Now, that tradition of welcoming the immigrant is under
tremendous pressure in the United States and in New Jersey.
Fortunately, at Temple Ner Tamid,
we can help welcome immigrants once again.
We have been asked by Make the Road New Jersey
to accompany immigrants to US Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) hearings locally in northern New Jersey.
Make the Road New Jersey will train us and let us know what we need to do.
Please reach out to Jeffrey Plaut,
if you are interested in getting involved in this project or just learning more.
SAVE THE DATE: February 25th
TNT Helps Family Promise
Calling all volunteers to prepare a meal, buy groceries
or a gift card for a family combating homelessness.
Reach out to Debbie Kravitz at
to help be the change these struggling families need
that are fighting homelessness for a better today, tomorrow and future for their family.
Volunteer opportunity:
TNT members volunteer at the Park Methodist Church Manna Food Depot in Bloomfield, started several years ago as a small pop-up effort
to counteract rising food insecurity in our community.
Families can choose from fresh produce, meat, canned goods, diapers, winter coats and more: the pantry served 294 families last week alone!
Volunteers are needed on Wednesday afternoons (from 4:45 - 6 pm) to help unload the truck after a delivery from NJ Food Pantry and to stock the shelves, as well as on Thursday evenings (5:45 - 8 pm ) to help hand out food, restock shelves and clean up. See links below for more information/background and to sign up.
This is a wonderful way to help out, get service hours and meet nice new people!
Sign Up Here to step up and work at Manna Food Depot
If you're interested in learning more, please contact
Information about Manna (and about a great fundraiser this weekend):

Temple Ner Tamid hosts a monthly food drive to benefit
the Human Needs Food Pantry, collecting donations from shoppers at
the Brookdale ShopRite (1409 Broad Street in Bloomfield).
Our food drives have always been a major charitable resource for the pantry,
which is serving many more food-insecure families since the start of the pandemic.
We’re looking for volunteers to request donations at the entrance or receive donated items at the exit. The final shift includes driving to the food pantry in Montclair to help unload the truck.
The next food collection will be on March 9th.
Future Collection Dates in 2025: May 18 • July 20 • Sept 14 • Nov 16
Follow this link to sign up for a shift today!
Questions? Please contact Amy Strickler and Mark Dodd at
News from the Human Needs Food Pantry
The Human Needs Food Pantry, located at 9 Label Street in Montclair, provides food and services to people and families in need from Bloomfield, Montclair and surrounding neighboring Essex County communities. Currently, the Food Pantry provides over 2,500 bags of groceries each month, along with hundres of deliveries for homebound clients. The Pantry is great and it continues to grow. The Food Pantry is very appreciative of the partnership with Temple Ner Tamid.
As you shop for your family each week, please pick up a few extra items for those in need. Drop off canned or boxed food (no glass or outdated items) to the Mazon Box, which is located at TNT in the hallway near the main office entrance. The Food Pantry requests cereal, peanut butter, jelly, crackers and other breakfast food, as well as tuna fish, pasta and beans. As soon as the Mazon box is full it will be delivered to the Food Pantry. Temple Ner Tamid continues to be a strong supporter of the Human Needs Food Pantry.
The Chesed Committee is Here for You!
Do you need a ride to the doctor or a medical appointment?
If so, the Chesed committee may be able to help you!
Contact Susan Goldstein
with as much notice as possible, and we will see if we can be of help to you!
Sunday, February 23rd - 4-6PM
Join Us for A Fundraiser for Manna Food Depot
Location: Park United Methodist Church • 12 Park St., Bloomfield, NJ (in the basement)
Join Us for Soup OR you Can Make a Donation!
Since the start of Manna Food Depot
at the onset of the pandemic five years ago,
members of Temple Ner Tamid have volunteered each week to help food insecure people in our area.
These days, the crew serves nearly 300 households every Thursday, a remarkable feat of tikkun olam.
One of those regular volunteers — and one of several TNT young people who have made supporting Manna the focus of their Mitzvah Projects — is Shayna Rudoren, who among other things donated several pieces of original artwork to adorn Manna’s space at the Park United Methodist Church.
Now, Shayna is organizing a fundraiser to help ensure Manna can continue its essential work,
with the help of local ceramic artists as part of a national movement called Empty Bowls.
Here’s how it works:
• Buy a ticket either in advance or at the event (Sunday, Feb. 23, 4 to 6 p.m)
in the basement of Park United Methodist Church, 12 Park Street, Bloomfield, N.J.
Join Us for Soup OR you Can Make a Donation!
• Come, enjoy some delicious homemade soup & and take home the ceramic bowl, donated by local potters
• Plus: Live musical guests and other surprises!
• One bowl: $20 • Two bowls: $36 • Three bowls: $50
Join Us for Soup OR you Can Make a Donation!
Want to help make or serve soup at the event? Contact:
Other questions? Contact:
The Following Dedications Have Been Made This Week:
In Memory Of
Susan Kagan from David Amlen & Sheri Kagan
from Derek & Deborah Caney
from Laurence & Lisa Westreich
from Wendy Starr
In Memory Of
Linda Shapiro from Richard & Beth Klein
from Todd & Sarah Larson
In Memory Of
Leah Kahaner Weinstein from Cecil Polin & Gail Kahaner-Polin
Samuel & Helen Cohen from Beth & Richard Klein
To make a contribution for a yahrzeit, simcha, or to discretionary funds, please visit