Rabbi Steven Kushner served as the spiritual leader of Temple Ner Tamid of Bloomfield, New Jersey since its inception in 1980. In his 38 years of service to the congregation, Rabbi Kushner helped grow the community not merely in size but in programming and influence. He was instrumental in developing adult education and early childhood education, interfaith, social justice, outreach and family programming, and even a klezmer band as integral elements of the synagogue. In June of 2018 he retired and was honored with the title of Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Ner Tamid.
Outside of the congregation, Rabbi Kushner established himself both within the Jewish and general communities. In May of 1995 Bloomfield College, upon whose faculty Rabbi Kushner served from 1983 to 2003, honored him with a Doctor of Laws honoris causa degree. A past president of the New Jersey Association of Reform Rabbis, the Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey, and the MetroWest Conference on Soviet Jewry, Rabbi Kushner has also served on the Ethics Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and as the Editor of the CCAR’s national Newsletter. Most recently Rabbi Kushner served as President of the Beth El Memorial Foundation of the United Jewish Federation of MetroWest, a state-mandated initiative designed to protect and preserve the historic Jewish cemeteries of greater Newark.
Ordained at the Cincinnati campus of the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Rabbi Kushner earned his Master of Arts in Hebrew Letters from HUC-JIR and a Bachelor of Arts from Wayne State University in Detroit. Rabbi Kushner has also received Certification in Pastoral Counseling from the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health in New York City.
Prior to assuming the position of Rabbi at Temple Ner Tamid, Rabbi Kushner served as Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun in Milwaukee.
Rabbi Steven Kushner continues to teach Torah and in his spare time pursues his life-long love of photography (stevenkushnerphotography.com). He is married to Leana Moritt, the Rabbi of Temple Beth-El of Jersey City. His daughters, Aviva Kushner Estiz and Hannah Kushner, both grew up within the loving hearts of the Temple Ner Tamid family. Aviva and her husband Brian have given Rabbi Kushner his greatest joys, his granddaughters Maia and Noa.
Retirement Remarks, Rabbi Steven Kushner | April 28, 2018
Click here to watch the video tribute to Rabbi Kushner shown at the TNT Gala on April 28.
Time For Another Book: Rabbi Kushner To Retire From Temple Ner Tamid
High Holy Day Sermons
Kol Nidre - Do Not Forsake It
Kol Nidre - On the Art of Becoming a Mensch
Yom Kippur Morning - This is the Day
Kol Nidre - To Find The Harmony of the Middle
Kol Nidre - To Israel With Love
Shabbat Sermons and Bulletin Articles
May 2012 - The Future of Israel
April 2006 - They Say it's Your Birthday
March 2006 - The Underlying Truth of Cartoons
January 2006 - My Early Hanukkah Gift
December 2005 - Performing Miracles
November 2005 - Down to the Lower East Side...
October 2005 - Becoming Something
September 2005 - In Pursuit of the Art of Living