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Speaker Series

Multiple times a year, our community invites elected officials and community to our Bima to speak about some of the most pressing social justice issues of our time. Below, please find a host of videos from previous talks. Topics range from anti-Semitism to criminal justice reform, education to transportation: 

Sundeep Iyer, Director of the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights

Senator Cory Booker, After Firebomb Attach

Matt Platkin, 62nd Attorney General of New Jersey

Governor Phil Murphy

US Representative Mikie Sherrill

United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson

 Albert Pelham, President of the Montclair NAACP

ADL Signature Synagogue

Temple Ner Tamid was chosen as a Signature Synagogue of the Anti-Defamation League this year.  ADL Signature Synagogues are a network of engaged congregations committed to fighting anti-Semitism and all forms of hate. Signature Synagogues receive direct access to ADL programs, resources and learning opportunities, creating a central location for community education and taking action. Members  ambassadors for ADL at a critical time when standing up against anti-Semitism and hate is more important than ever. Visit our calendar for upcoming programming around anti-semitism here and abroad. For more information about the Signature Synagogue program click here. 

Reform Jewish Voice New Jersey - RAC/NJ

Much of the Reform Movement's social justice work has shifted local. Temple Ner Tamid is a proud partner with RAC-NJ to take the values of the Religious Action Center and apply them to state and country issues. We were a leader in the "Let's Drive Campaign" which sought to give all New Jersey residents access to driver's licenses regardless of immigration status. Learn more about Reform Jewish Voice on their website

Religious Action Center, Brit Olam - Covenant with our World

The Brit Olam is our covenant to create a world in which all people experience wholeness, justice, and compassion. The Religious Action Center (RAC) supports Reform communities throughout North America as they work together, learn from one another, and effect change on the local, state, provincial, and federal levels.

Temple Ner Tamid has chosen Immigrant and Refugee Justice as our Brit Olam focus. Judaism teaches us that everyone is entitled to dignity and honor. In the face of harsh and punitive federal immigration policy, the Reform Movement is mobilizing to advocate for just and compassionate policies toward undocumented immigrants. We will not stop until families are reunited, asylum seekers are no longer treated as criminals, and our immigration system is reformed.

Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784