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Help us make meaning and change the world.

A gift to Temple Ner Tamid enables our community to pursue our work for years to come and to share our history, traditions, and promise with the next generation of Jews. If you have any questions about the contribution options, please reach out to our office at any time,
hello {at} or 973-338-1500.

Here are just some of the ways you can participate:

Annual Campaign & Covenant Circle

Gifts to our Annual Campaign help to sustain our community throughout the year by ensuring that we may continue to offer diverse and innovative programming; worship services that elevate the spiritual experience for all who come through our doors; social action initiatives that help to improve the lives of those in need; and provide opportunities to deepen our connection with Israel. 
For those who are unable to afford full dues, we offer special dues arrangements. We are able to do this thanks to the generosity of Covenant Circle members who help cover those dues. Covenant Circle members can join at annual giving levels of $900, $1,800, $3,600, $5,400.

Yahrzeit In Memory of a Loved One Or Friend

A way to remember a loved one is to make a contribution of any amount in their memory.
You may also dedicate a memorial plaque in his or her memory. Memorial Plaques are $360, and permanently hang in our Sanctuary. When it is the anniversary of the person's passing, a second plaque is hung on our Ner Tamid wall in their memory where services are being held.
Other options include a Prayer Book cover plaque for $36 or a Tree of Life leaf for $180. Please contact our office for any questions. 

Celebrating a Simcha or Accomplishment

Often when friends, community members, and family reach a milestone or accompaniment - a give in their honor helps celebrate that Simcha with the entire community. Such occasions include births, weddings, awards, new jobs or promotions, new home, recovering from surgery or illness, becoming B'nai Mitzvah, and more!

Discretionary Funds/ Scholarship Fund

Temple Ner Tamid's Clergy and Clergy Associate have separate funds they are able to use at their discretion. This may be for camp scholarship, to assist someone in a time of need, to attend or sponsor a special event, as well as other needs in our community. 
Members often give to these funds as a way to say "thank you" to these three pillars of our community for the hard work they put in to making our community a special, warm, inviting place. 


Stock Gifts, Donor Advised Funds, and IRA Mandatory Distributions

There are many ways to give beyond a cash donation. With a charitable gift of appreciated securities held long-term, the donation you make and the deduction you get are greater than they would be if you were to sell the shares and donate the cash proceeds instead. For more information about stock donations, please see this article
At the age of 72, the IRS requires minimum distributions (RMD) from your retirement account. You can donate that distribution to the temple. See this article for more information
Donor advised funds allow you to get an immediate tax deduction for the funds you place in an investment account designed for charitable giving. Many community organizations provide donor advised fund options. For more information about donor advised funds, see this article


Planned Giving and Endowment Contributions

When you put Temple Ner Tamid in your will, you help ensure the future vitality of the community and recognize the important role TNT has had in your life. 
You can make a contribution to our endowment, which helps bring in additional revenue providing important savings for the future. 
Please contact our office for more information. 


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785